Morning Star: Astrology for the week of March 4 to March 11, 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018

In staring down our week to come, I feel as if we all should be a little grateful that the Moon is now waning. We won't be, most likely. The emotional body will still be in turmoil. However, were the Moon waxing it would be a lot more punctuated. Under a waning Moon as these emotional matters emerge...and they most certainly will...we will be given a chance to absolve and release. They won't erupt in a large crescendo. Instead, we can purge them or reform them once they are accepted and recognized. Today? Is a “lash yourself to the most deeply rooted tree you can find and hold on” kind of day.

That being said, there are some pretty significant shifts within the week too. In that, we begin birthing bodies from the sign of Pisces. Mercury and Venus both enter the sign of Aries this week. But, wow...are we EVER in the swamp today. By the end of the week, we will be more than ready (and astrologically backed) to break free from some of this. So, know the ability to move forward and incorporate positive change in your life is coming. But, the path we must traverse to get to that point? Is muddy and foggy. What I'm finding is that most people are so swamped they don't know how they are supposed to deal within their certain situations. Truth is, in this week? There is not much doing that can be done.

Things are happening in folks' personal lives that they do not have much control over. We are called to surrender more than we are called to fight. You cannot fist fight Neptune. You can try. But, his waves will eventually wear you down and are much stronger than you. Your best bet, is to let go the rope and allow his waters to take you where they will. In faith. Because, fighting where you are floating right now is going to exacerbate the situation causing more frustration and zapping your energy. While also potentially breaking down your defenses (physical ones that keep you from getting sick).
This morning, we wake up under a Libra Moon. She spends the morning being just fine. She can maintain her facade and present a pleasant face regardless of what is brewing inside her. And, there is certainly brewing underfoot.
The Sun meets Neptune by conjunction at 8:54 AM. Due that, we are sensitive and emotional. Something that Libra Moon does not like to show. The Sun/Neptune conjunction could result in sleeping in late, a feeling of being forgetful or confused, illness, being underestimated or a general sense of uncertainty or fatigue. Perhaps a desire to isolate. Libra wants to socialize and talk. But with the Sun drowning in Neptune, that may not be the best route to take today. Especially given that Mercury/Venus/Chiron make a triple conjunction as the Moon is unsettled and possibly struggling with fear or control issues by way of a square to Pluto. We feel like we need to control what is going on. We may lash out to do so. But, those efforts will fall flat as Mercury and Venus reveal to us the previously before hidden or denied reasons behind why we have such a hard time letting lose of control. Speech and how we receive and show appreciation is slain by pain. It would be really easy to allow your own pain to inflict the same upon others if reacting like a wounded animal. The energy passes but the damage inflicted may not. Key words...let go...let go...let go.

What happens with the triple conjunction, in my opinion, is likened to the rush of energies that are released when a pregnant woman's water breaks. When that happens, it IS unexpected and a flurry of activity likely ensues. But, it's not like you can unbreak the water. You know? I know there are times in which medical professionals break it for you. But, once it is done by natural means or artificial it is done and any control you thought you might have (because you've prepared, you've practiced, you've packed your bags, etc) is absolutely washed away. Nature takes over at this point and it is essentially out of your hands.
Plus, labor is painful. The onset of such is often a quite rude awakening even if we know the time for it is ripe and due to come. There is both excitement and fear. But, the end result doesn't prove itself as the beautiful thing it is until we pass through the woods of uncertainty and fear. Those feelings do have a tendency to melt away and be replaced with a sense of ecstatic joy once the new baby is safely here. That can overpower some of the fears and pain we experienced during the birthing process. In that process, though, we have to surrender.
Moon square Pluto does not like all. So our first response will likely be to lash out trying to regain control over something. As that aspect wanes, though, the triple conjunction is still in force. So it is the surrender that wins this battle rather than fight til we are rendered a bloody pulp.
The Moon moves on to be inspired by Mars by sextile at 7 PM. We may find a little energy to move and have inkling of grandiose action we can take in response. But, the better bet is to NOT try to be a super hero. Instead, allow the spark to help you regain a bit of dryness and perspective. Humbly accept your call to surrender.

At 1:30 AM the Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries and there is a chance this can bring friction between the concept of self and other. Cages can become rattled here as the unexpected presents itself. If relationships are holding you at a point where you are unable to bring yourself to full authentic self-expression, this is where your patience ends. Effectively balance your need for relationship against your right to freely and authentically be who you are. The highest use, though, is to observe what it is that emerges from the emotional body and then use the power of Uranus to detach as needed. Emotional intelligence can be raised here if we disallow ourselves from being overly “sucked” in.
Following this opposition, the Moon is rendered Void. Though, reaching Void in opposition to Uranus, we could still find the night rather unsettled and not conducive of a what is considered a good night's sleep. The stellium in Pisces may be able to help with that. Just know that the best supported action in this day aligns with realizing you have you no control. Find and sink yourself in faith until the storm passes. Aim to do the next right thing. You may not know each and every step you will need to make moving forward. But, you can tell the difference between right and self-supportive action versus ego driven action that may in fact cause things to worsen. Ego melts today. Let it. Let the dam break.

This small breeze of Air coming from Moon in Libra leaves us tomorrow. We sink more deeply into the waters as the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:24 AM Monday morning. Self-care for today is the main call while not feeling obligated to mask the fact that you need some time alone. Don't force yourself into social situations if you don't feel like it. Many won't. It may feel as if you are alone in how swamped and helpless you are feeling. But, you aren't.

Monday, March 5, 2018

This morning the Moon enters Scorpio. Most of the day is pretty broodish as folks are steeped deeply in their personal situations. There is not likely to be much chatter this morning.
The Moon makes no major aspects within the meat of the day. So, the we swim these deep waters and kind of get caught in our own “psychological” net of issues. However, we DO stabilize as this day passes out.

The Moon sextiles Saturn at about 10 PM and I heard a big sigh of “It is what it is” when I looked at it. Very sober. But, also, very real. We move closer to acceptance here and are ready to deal with it from a mature perspective. And just in time. Overnight we begin birthing our Pisces planets into the sign of Aries which points to the tides shifting from a feeling of being trapped, swamped or stuck into a time supportive of engagement or taking initiative.
Now, I said it is coming...not that it is here and ready for you commandeer in the meat of this day. We are still floating for the most part today. But, we do regain some footing by the time the day ends and by morning, we are more inclined to start thinking about moving ahead than staying in this emotionally confused placed. Mercury officially enters Aries at 2:35 AM tonight.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

This morning we still have a great deal of sensitivity but mentally, we are ready to move on. The Moon meets Neptune by trine at about 10:30 which is dreamy and imaginative but can also equate to more sensitivity (intuition is definitely kicking) and even a feeling of a being emotionally hung over. Be patient with this. There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to feel. You just don't want to torture yourself. Let go..again, more than you try to hold on.

Around 2:30 PM the Moon makes another water trine with the Sun in Pisces. There is a sense of “knowing” that happens here that comes without explanation. It trickles from the inside out. We accept the uncertainty but realize we do still control how it is we respond to the situation.
Following this trine (in which we may be able to find comfort in the company of fellow “sufferers” in the form of commiseration) the heart is reborn. Venus enters Aries at 6:46 PM. She, too, is ready to move forward. Then, the Moon meets Pluto in Capricorn by sextile. There is a sense of ease here. The emotional body is restored and the sense of “knowing” deepens. Uncertainty begins to subside.

Overnight, the Moon meets Jupiter in Scorpio meaning strong symbolism from active dreaming is very likely. Keep your dream journal close to jot things down just in case. This may also bring brightness to the affect in the morning. Meaning, we wake up feeling a little better. The emotional body has plenty of time to settle down a relax following this aspect at 3:58 AM. The Moon doesn't enter Sagittarius until 5 PM tomorrow. Trust me, we will all likely appreciate the break of emotional activity so we can refocus and recenter.
Today, gear your thinking toward moving forward and letting go of the past. Still, be willing to follow where the waters lead you. Support groups or commiseration do help and getting some of what you feel off your chest in discussions with trusted folks is a good way to go with that. Keep letting go. Keep opening space, clearing away trash and sludge in preparation for the new to enter.

When I was doing my Full Moon write ups for this past Full Moon in Virgo, clearing the space was a huge hit I kept encountering. The example I used was wanting a new couch. Say, you are tired of your old one. It is worn out and dilapidated and you are just ready for something new. One approach to that would be to hold on to the old couch until have picked out a new one and have the money to replace it. But, this energy suggests differently. It says go ahead and get rid of what you no longer want or what is no longer of use to you (remorse, regret, fear and worry are included in that mix). Clean and sanctify the space. Trust that it will be filled with what you want. But, don't hang on to the old thing waiting for the new to arrive. Go ahead and get rid of it and prepare the space in faith that it will be filled.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thank goodness for Void moons. Coming from this weekend and across the beginning of this week, we will likely be ready for it. What the Void Moon will allow us to do is catch up on some things that may have needed to be set aside during our recent emotional flux. Emotional energy shrinks a little. We are less emotionally reactive...though, still prone to brood and seethe a little, maybe. But, the emotional reaction is lessened. Subdued. Creative energy may also be harder to access and for that reason “getting into” the chores ahead of us may be difficult.

Usually what I see in a Void Moon is that routine things kind of go as planned. Mundane tasks or wrapping up loose ends on existing projects is accentuated. It's not a good time to launch new projects because the spark of our creativity just isn't into it today. But, a Void Moon in Scorpio is excellent for “the big purge” clearing out and letting loose of negative emotional attachment on the inside of you while also clearing out space and purging in the physical world by way of the body or within your personal space. We are dumping luggage at the curb today. Taking out the trash and less prone to hold onto something just because we feel a connection to it. And, that's what we should do. Continually lighten our own load because that's exactly how this day was built. Mostly, today is bent best toward “death cleaning.” Purging. Getting rid of things. Clearing the space..until the Moon clicks into Sagittarius.

As the Moon enters Sagittarius, we are likely to feel a bit lighter. Any release we can accomplish under the Scorpio Moon is only going to help with that. At 7 PM the Moon begins making fire trines. First with Venus and then with Mercury (11:17 PM). We are gazing at the horizon ready to move on. Perhaps even a little eagerly so. These fire trines do not and will not continue to slay themselves with regret and remorse. It's time to start moving forward. We will feel that.
This energy carries into our tomorrow. So the momentum and desire to break free from heavier emotions persists. Take advantage of that. Dry out. Think about where you want to go from here. There is some heaviness coming back to us that will remind of things we still need to purge in our efforts moving forward but some of the swamp does, indeed, begin to break up tonight. Then, when the more harsh aspects come in from the Moon on the 8th, we can clear the sludge that remains flushing it from our systems for good. The heaviness and “return of the swamp of sensitivity” doesn't come about until late tomorrow evening. So there is plenty of room to make progress and dry out before that occurs.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The fire energy calls us to move forward and many will respond to that. It's a day in which we feel as if we can actually begin to move. As night falls, though, that's when the residual emotions present. Things we still need to deal with come forth in the emotional body as the Moon squares Neptune at 8:54 PM. If you need to purge through tears, do so. Otherwise, it's a good day to burn off physical energy in the early part and plan for an early night in which you can be quiet and kind of off to yourself. Active in the morning and quiet and reflective in the evening. That's how the flow of the day goes.
At 10:30 PM Jupiter stations retrograde in Scorpio. Jupiter will retrograde to 13 Scorpio 10 where he will turn direct on July 11. He entered his retrograde shadow on December 11, 2017. We will review the lessons he has taught since that day in December questioning our own theories and riddling what it is we think we know. This ends our period of “all planets direct” that has been strongly in force since the beginning of the year. We have laid all the pavers we will walk back and forth over in our year to come. Yes, there will be chance to lay more pavers going forward. But, right now, we need to look back on what it is we have built thus far and check it for stability and longevity. Glean lessons from those times and incorporate them into our growing sense of wisdom. Check your work and your perspective.

Jupiter retrograde is also excellent for paybacks. Meaning, if someone was of assistance to you, you may be given the opportunity to help them back. On that same note, if you were generous and kind to others while Jupiter was direct, that is returned you too. It may not come from the same source you gifted it to...sometimes it comes back from the oddest places. What you've paid forward comes back to you for better or worse. Jupiter Rx is also indicative of reviewing and switching your own perspective on your previous journeys. We are given a chance to re-script our outlook on things we have encountered in the past. We can change our philosophy or direction. But, the main thing is to look for what you learned from whatever happened regardless of what that thing was or how it made you feel at the time.
Jupiter just happens to be the first planet to mark this “review” period. Several other planets follow rather quickly. Mercury, as an example, enters his retrograde shadow in Aries tomorrow. So many thoughts, conversations and information received in the coming days is likely to be revisited in the coming days. Decisions may be reversed. Perspectives permanently altered. Minds changed...and then changed again. If you have messages, letters, conversations you need to have, written work to do or...even things like taxes to send out...I would suggest getting that done before Mercury hits his shadow. Especially if its something you want to send out and be done with. Otherwise, it may become something that gets revisited several times during Mercury's retrograde which colors in the next several weeks.

Mercury officially turns retrograde on March 22 and turns direct on April 16. Mercurial matters kicked off while he is in shadow will be reviewed. For example, say you start writing a book tomorrow. You may have it all ready by the time Mercury retrogrades. But, during that retrograde is the time for editing and refining the finished product. Then, when Mercury turns direct the finishing touches are made and the project is ready to launch. The words solidified. Review isn't a bad thing, really. We need to do this from time to time. However, there are some things that we would like to have “one and done” which in terms of Mercury, isn't going to be the case once he enters his retrograde shadow. I'd suggest sending your taxes out before he enters his shadow just as one example. That is surely not something you want to have to revisit several times between now and April.

Friday, March 9, 2018

This morning our Last Quarter Moon perfects at 6:21 AM. This is the week of the “final flush” of this Moon phase. Keep lightening your load. Keep releasing. Keep preparing and allowing yourself to think in future terms.
You are greatly supported by the Universe in that today. The Sagittarius Moon is now freed from the swamp of Neptune and moves on from this Last Quarter and then to make a conjunction with Mars and trine with Uranus between 7:56 PM and 9:29 PM. While this is restless and not really conducive to sleep, we may be able to accomplish quite a bit after the fog of the morning wears off. We will not be in the mood to feel swamped or stuck. Which is fine. This energy is meant to propel us forward and that is where most will have their compass set anyway.

Following the trine with Uranus, the Moon is Void until entering Capricorn at 4:53 AM tomorrow morning. Again, the emotional body rests after a day of activity. We wake ready to roll our sleeves up and deal with whatever business presents itself in our tomorrow. There will be some conflict with our Moon and planets in Aries. But, it will can be handled on solid ground without all this residual mush to gunk it all up. Sobriety, a clear set of goals and maturity will be called for.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Our brains meet with blockages today. Mercury waxes into square with Saturn throughout. This aspect perfects in the early hours of tomorrow. But with Moon in Capricorn hitting the aspect before it perfects, it's going to be a factor most of the day.
The early part of the day isn't horrible. We are sober and inclined toward responsibility. It actually looks like a good weekend to do home chores or firm up existing projects. A working weekend however you want to shape that. But, the brain and the mouth are going to feel curtailed. We can't say the right thing. We can't move forward to where we want to be because there are several steps in the way before we get to that place. We may shoot our mouths off only to get shut down by authority later or we may be the one calling out overly boisterous and childish voices. Either way the brain is locked in a vice to some degree. And, any decisions we make are likely to revisited in the future. Mercury will make a total of 3 passes to Saturn in his retrograde pattern.

The thing is this is not playtime. But, Venus and Mercury want it to be. Which is fine except you have to get your work and your responsibilities handled first. Today, is one of those taking care of responsibilities days more than shirking them. Capricorn does find time to play. But, work, social standing and responsibilities are taken seriously. So, with that same attitude, buckle down and push as much off your task list as you can. That's what is going to make you feel better in the end. Otherwise it becomes a push and pull day in which you feel largely shut down. Mark and reward your efforts to progress no matter how the small a step you might make toward your goals. If you don't feel like being productive, that's ok too! Taking care of yourself is also your job. So if that's the case don't guilt yourself over it. Rest and restore without guilt so that you move forward when your emotional body is more stable.

There are likely to be harsh and cold words delivered unto you, within the collective or to you from yourself today. You may butt heads with authority figures or encounter being told no several times. Work within your boundaries. Keep a clear vision of where you want to go. And, if you get sat down don't forget to dust off your pants and get back up. We are called to be the wise father to our energetic inner child today and being accountable is going to win out over throwing childish hissy fits in response to not getting your way. Matter of fact, those that veer toward the latter are going to be hurting themselves more than advancing as a result of their tantrum. So dry it up. Grow it up and get down to your own business today without feeling as if you have to be so hard on yourself within that process. The pressure of this will pass but not within the confines of this day.

Sunday, March 11, 2018
Today is a totally different type of energy than what we felt yesterday. The Moon is in Capricorn, still. But, she is done calling down Venus and Mercury for their potentially irresponsible and selfish behavior. Plus, the first Mercury square Saturn aspect now wanes allowing the mental body to limber up.

The big news? Mars finds Uranus by trine and the Sun sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. We are so ready to break free from this pressure. We are more willing to evoke change. We are more than ready to move forward and there is not much that is going to stop us from that as a sense of fearlessness and resilience dawns upon our solar body at the same time. Do it or be kind of what I see here. So ensure you are thoroughly thinking through the potential consequences of your actions without rushing in impulsively or with a knee jerk reaction. No need to shoot yourself in the the potential for that due to unconscious reactive action comes swiftly as Mars moves on to square Chiron (3/14).
Do bravely embark on consciously moving forward using the power, tenacity and grit from the Sun/Pluto sextile to empower you. If the old ways aren't working, there is support in trying alternative paths. If bridges need to be burned, the Universe hands you a match. Just ensure these things are done with your own future best interests in mind, support your end goals and take time to think about what you are doing.

We hit the ground running here. Make sure you point yourself in the direction you want to go. Then...go! This energy is determined and restless. Choose a beneficial outlet for it.
